Monday, October 24, 2005


I've had a few people ask what all I've been reading, so in case youre interested, here it is:
ive been operating on a "whatever i can get my hands on basis" that incorperates the few novels i brought with me, a few books my roommate has lent to me (and shes been reading mine too, we swap and discuss), and selections from a few anthologies i picked up at a strange little booksale. there's a real limited selection to choose from here, we really just take what we can get, but i've found some good ones.
so here is the pleasure reading list, unabriged:

-Richard Brautigan, The Pill Versus the Springhill Mind Disaster !!
-The Girls Guide to Decorum (Maame Esi's ridiculously british humor guide to good manners)
-Phillip Gourivich, We Wish to Inform you that Tomarrow we will be Killed with our Families
-Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
-Maya Angelou, All God's Children Need Travelling Shoes
-Jack Keroac, The Mexican Girl* !!
-Earnest Hemingway, The Snows of Killamanjaro * !!!
-Washington Irving, Rip Van Winkle*
-Leo Tolstoy, The Death of Ivan Ilych
-William Saroyan, The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze* !!
-John Updike, Son*
-Richard Wright, The Man Who Lived Underground !!
-Franz Kafka, The Metamorphisis !!
-Miguel de Unimuno y Jugo, Abel Sanchez
-Willa Cather, Double Birthday* !!
-Katherine Anne Porter, Noon Wine*
-John Steinbeck, The Leader of the people*
-Mary B. Morrison, Soulmates Dissapate
Now reading: Andre Gide, a Pastoral Symphany, and Henrey James' the Beast in the Jungle

* means it was a short story from a book called 200 years of great american short stories i got at said book sale.
!! means i really especially liked it

and, if you have any recommended novels that arnt too heavy to post, and want to donate them to the Maggie and Maame Esi book club, wed love it, were almost out of material!
(Ive been wanting to read King Leopolds Ghost, and anything else by richard wright, ernest hemmingway or franz kafka
just throwing that out there....)

ok, back to work! Love to everyone...


At 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't read richard wright! read james baldwin. ill send the books from my class now that we are done reading them!



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